Friday, May 30, 2008

Matrix Sorted Search Problem

Given a Matrix of size n*n and an element E to search in the Matrix. Each row and each column of the Matrix is sorted. We need to find an efficient algorithm to search this matrix.


Take the last element of the first row and go either down or left using the following logic:

1. If the search element E is greater than the current element go down one step. i.e change the row to the next row.

2. If the search element E is less than the current element then go one step to the left. i.e change the col = col - 1.

Do the above operation till u find the element E or you have reached the end of the Matrix. End of the Matrix means we cannot move either to left or down.

Runtime of the algorithm would be around O(n).


Siddhartha Maitra said...

I think we can use the Binary Search approach along the two directions (Rows & Columns)to speed up the algorithm further.

After each iteration(row & column), the size of the sub matrix(to be searched) will keep reducing by 1/4th.

Ghotter said...

Binary search can also be used but this is the fastest of both i believe.

rachitagrawal said...

I think if we Use Binary Search in two direction we could end up with the complexity of (log(n)*log(n)).!

Ashish Shukla said...

it will take O(logn)(not logn*logn) time, where nxn is the size of matrix.

With each operation, size of matrix will be reduced to n/2 x n/2.

1) divide matrix into 4 parts,
2) with caomparisons(fixed no.), u could point out exact quadrant, where the being searched no. will lie.
3) repeat 1 and 2, untill solution found.

Ghotter said...

Hi ashish...can u explain how your step 2 works?

Ashish Shukla said...
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Ashish Shukla said...

dude my code was not that clean, Actually simple thing is, there are nine pts when u divide a square into 4 parts.


worst case comparing with these 9 pts u can precisely point out exact quadrant where a element lies.

ankit said...

Better solution would be to move along the diagonal.thereby reducing the no of comparisons to be made...