Wednesday, August 16, 2006


You are provided with a function f() which returns either 0 or 1 with probability 1/2. Using this to construct a function f1() which returns 0 with probability 1/3 and 1 with probability 2/3.

int f1(){
while( true ){
if( f()==1 ) return 1;
if( f()==1 ) return 0;

int f1()
while( true)
int x = f();
int y = f();
if(x==1) return 1;
if(y==1) return 0;


int f1()
int x = 2;
while(x ==2)
x=f() + f();
return x;


manoj said...

It would be great if you could show the correctness of the algo.
I am not able to do that......
Or at least explain it.....
Or may be some link or reference material.

May be you have the policy of just writing the code :-)


Ghotter said...

the last one is easy to define...
what it does is...
in the while loop it will generate x
so x can take values 0,1,2 with prob.
x | probability
0 | 1/4
1 | 1/2
2 | 1/4
since x = f()+f()...
now we want o/p as only 0 or 1...
so when ever i get 2 i loop around..
so 2 case we are not taking...
so it will now become
x = 0 when both f()returns 0
x = 1 when one of them returns 1.
(0,0) --- x = 0
(1,0) (0,1) --- x = 1
So function f1 returns x=0 with 1/3 rd probability. and x = 1 with 2/3...
First two i dont know...i got it from one of my friends..

manoj said...

then let me try the first one
actually there is no difference between the first and the second....

int f1(){
....while( true )
........if( f()==1 ) return 1;
........if( f()==1 ) return 0;

The code only returns 0 and 1
The probabilities are
P(1) = P( f() == 1 ) = 1/2
P(0) = P( f() == 0 and next f() == 1)= 1/2*1/2 = 1/4

but what if both f() = 1
Then we dont output anything and in the next loop of while again
and P(1) = 1/2

Given this as the all which can occour....the total probability is
P(total) = 1/2+1/4 = 3/4

ooopssss but the sum of all the probability should be = 1
(it look good then )

So multiply all the probabilities by 4/3

So P(1) = 1/2*4/3 = 2/3
and P(0) = 1/2*4/3 = 1/3
I dont know if the fact of multiplying the probabilities is absolutely right or not..... but it seems logical here

Anonymous said...

All the solutions seem correct.

Deduce from truth table:
for 1st two solns...

f() can give either 1 or 0
The possible combinations are:
1st f()...2nd f()....- result
0..........0........- repeat loop
0..........1........- return 0
1..........0........- return 1
1..........1........- return 1

try doing the same with 3rd soln...too.