Monday, July 03, 2006

Set Operations

Set Operations on Array
U - Universal Set
A - Subset
B - Subset

1. Union - All elements in A or B.
2. Intersection - All elements in A and B.
3. Minus - All elements in A but not in B.
4. Complement - All elements in U - A.

If the A, B, U are sorted
1. Union
Do a merge of A and B. If we get two elements with same value then take one of them and proceed.
while(i lessThan n && j lessThan n)
_____if(A[i] lessThan B[j])
__________C[k] = A[i];
_____else if(A[i] greaterThan B[j])
__________C[k] = B[i];
__________C[k] = A[i];
while(i lessThan n)
__________C[k] = A[i];
while(j lessThan n)
__________C[k] = B[j];

2. Intersection
Normal Merge of A and B.
A[0,n-1] B[0,n-1]
Assuming that since these arrays represent sets we dont have any repeating elements
while(k lessThan n && i lessThan n && j lessThan n)
_____if(A[i] == B[j])
__________print A[i];
_____else if(A[i] lessThan B[j])

3. Minus
C = A - B

while(k lessThan n && i lessThan n && j lessThan n)
_____if(A[i] == B[j])
_____else if(A[i] lessThan B[j])
__________C[k] = A[i];
if(j greaterThanEqualTo n)
_____while(k lessThan n && i lessThan n)

3. Complement
Same as Minus. complement(A) = U - A

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